HELP! We’ve Been HECS’d

In Australia, students can afford tertiary education through a government loan known as the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP). To ensure the value of the loan is not devalued, they are indexed…

Starting ML Product Initiatives on the Right Foot

This blog post is an updated version of part of a conference talk I gave on GOTO Amsterdam last year. The talk is also available to watch online. As a Machine Learning Product Manager, I am…

How to Build Data Pipelines for Machine Learning

This is the 3rd article in a larger series on Full Stack Data Science (FSDS). In the previous post, I introduced a 5-step project management framework for building machine learning (ML) solutions…

Environmental Implications of the AI Boom

There’s a core concept in machine learning that I often tell laypeople about to help clarify the philosophy behind what I do. That concept is the idea that the world changes around every machine…

Job Search 2.0-Turbo

A step-by-step guide on building a team of AI agents that automate and refine the search and selection process matching job seeker's skills with job requirements

From Probabilistic to Predictive: Methods for Mastering Customer Lifetime Value

A comparison of probabilistic models and machine learning approaches for predicting Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) , and how to run a CLV project

How to Supercharge Your Python Classes with Class Methods

Python classes provide a great framework for creating objects that can handle complex data structures, processes, pipelines, algorithms, or machine learning models. Object Oriented…

Extracting Information from Natural Language Using Generative AI

In this post, I’ll introduce a paradigm recently developed at Anaplan for extracting temporal information from natural language text, as part of an NLQ (natural language query) project. While I will…

Reducing the Size of Docker Images Serving LLM Models

Reducing the Size of Docker Images Serving LLM Models. Have you encountered a problem where a 1 GB transformer-based model increases even up to 8 GB when deployed using Docker containerization?.

Deploying Your Models (Cheap and Dirty Way) Using Binder

So you’ve built your model, and now you want to deploy it for testing or to show it to someone like your mom or grandpa, who may not be comfortable using a collaborative notebook? No worries at all…