This AI newsletter is all you need #97

Our focus this week was on real-world testing and fine-tuning of LLama-3 and Phi-3, as well as some exciting progress in medical AI. We have been monitoring resounding positive feedback on LLama-3…

How To Use Generative AI and Python to Create Designer Dummy Datasets

Have you ever had a need for a dataset that doesn’t easily exist? Wanted to easily generate data that matches your exact requirements for interviewing prospective data science candidates, software…

Enhancing Direct Answer Accuracy in RAG Setup with Self-Retrieval Mechanisms

Enhancing Direct Answer Accuracy in RAG Setup with Self-Retrieval Mechanisms. Leveraging the power of LLMs to significantly enhance the quality of document context retrieved for direct answer generation in your RAG….

Exploration of Joint PMFs: Their Applications in Data Science (Part 1)

When dealing with discrete random variables, the joint probability mass function (PMF) is a fundamental concept in probability theory and statistics. Understanding it is crucial for analyzing the…

medium.com_towards-ai 3 weeks ago

Simple Streamlit Sliders: Intaractive Map Visuals with GPT-4 Prompting

Prompt engineering for interactive Python Streamlit maps. “Simple Streamlit Sliders: Intaractive Map Visuals with GPT-4 Prompting” is published by John Loewen, PhD in Towards AI.

medium.com_towards-ai 3 weeks ago

Advanced SQL for Data Analysis —Part 1: Subqueries and CTE

As query complexity increases, there is a growing need to keep the code organized, modular, and readable. Therefore, it is important to know techniques to maintain code organization. This skill will…

promptrefiner: using GPT-4 to create perfect system prompt

In this tutorial, we will explore promptrefiner: A tiny python tool I have created to create perfect system prompts for your local LLM, by using the help of the GPT-4 model. Crafting an effective and…

Unboxing Loss Functions in YOLOv8

YOLO has long been one of the first go-to models for object detection tasks. It’s fast and accurate. Besides, the API is concise and easy to work on. The lines of code required to run a training or…

Reinforcement Learning: Introduction and Main Concepts

Reinforcement learning is a special domain in machine learning that differs a lot from the classic methods used in supervised or unsupervised learning. The beauty of reinforcement learning is that…

How to Implement and Test Phi3: Microsoft’s Powerful New Large Language Model

This article discusses the newly released Phi3 large language model from Microsoft, an LLM capable of performing various tasks with a uniquely large context window relative to the model’s size. I…